
办公软件wps- What’s Snopes? Unleash Your Wisdom!



Snopes is the world’s premier platform for verifying and uncovering lies, a mission that dates back centuries. Founded by a pair of美国中年夫妇,他们凭借一己之私领头,在网络上掀起了一场关于信息真实性的大讨论。Snopes以其不保留立场且充满智慧的方式,为读者提供了一个前所未有的搜索真相的部队。

What is Snopes?

Snopes stands for Search, Explore, and Verify, a phrase that encapsulates its mission. At the core of Snopes lies a passion to uncover truth—whether it’s about oil exploration, election hacking, or anything else. The team, though initially reluctant, quickly realized that verifying information was beyond their comfort zone. But as the days passed, they realized that there wasn’t one right place for verification.

How Does Snopes Work?

Snopes operates on a unique premise: veracity is everything. They take no sides and don’t second-guess themselves when it comes to information. Their methodology involves threefold verification:

1. Truth Check: They ask questions about every claim, fact, or rumor they come across.

2. Verification: They document the claims with precise numbers, dates, and references.

3. Dilemma: Sometimes, evidence might be insufficient, so Snopes leaves it up to the reader to decide.

Examples of Snopes at Work

“Gas Station Safety” - In 1962, a gas station owner was accused of dangers beyond their control. Snopes discovered the truth: the issue stemmed from a local ordinance that required a mandatory safety inspection every few hours—whereby drivers had to wear gloves and a helmet. This led to years of reform.

“Lock Down! The Truth?” - During the pandemic, people tried to stay home, but the data was inconsistent. Snopes uncovered discrepancies: some labs were conducting their tests improperly, while others were lying about results. This showed that numbers alone don’t tell the whole story.

Why Isn't Everyone on Board?

Snopes’ mission isn’t just about making sense of everything—it’s about helping people make informed decisions. By providing a framework for verification, they empower individuals to question what they believe and seek truth wherever it may lie.


Snopes is more than a platform—it’s a movement. They’re pushing the boundaries of how we understand truth, risk, and information. If you find yourself interested in uncovering lies and verifying facts, follow them on social media or join their mission to tell the truth to the world!

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